Donor Honor Roll

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit arts organization, the Arizona Academy of the Performing Arts wouldn’t exist without the support and generosity of our donors. Thanks to the hundreds of supporters listed below, we’re able to press forward with our mission of building great people through great performances despite the devastating setbacks from the COVID-19 pandemic.

If your name has been inadvertently left off the list below, please email us at so we can correct it.

* denotes Phenom member donations
** denotes Academy member donations

$2,000 and Above

Larry & Jennifer Baragar
Lou and Lilly DePalma
Ted and Cindy Earnhardt
Kieckhefer Foundation
Bob Johnston
Robert Kuske
Allen-Heath Memorial Foundation
Margaret T Morris Foundation
Otto & Edna Neely Foundation
JoAnn Osborne
Susan and Brian Palmer
Annette and Craig Romei
Lisa Tatum
Glenn and Barbara Waterkotte
Kent and Jody White

$1,000 to $1,999

Andrew Blount
Tom and Karrie Brace
Robert Campbell
Kevin Chadwick
Thunderbirds Charities
Rich Frazier
Stephanie Fry (Connor **)
Lori and Dave Goodfellow
Rick and Judith Headlee
Sue Henderson
Chris Kotterman 
Randy Miller
Pat and Jack Minnick
Kendall Mohler
Bill and Karen Richardson
Jasgit Sachdev
Jeffrey and Linnea Smith
Tom Smith
William Speakman
David Ulaszek and Kristen Brogden
Susan and John  Warwick
Anthony Webb
Kevin White

$500 to $999

Nancy Baldwin
Cathy Bergmann
Déjà Birney **
Garland Boothe
Rachael Cohen *
Ryan Cole
Cynthia Crowe
Charles Cullen
Kenneth Felthouse
Dwight Farris
Blake Fleetwood **
Andy Greenberg **
Cheryl Groth (Kelly **)
George Haarman
Rob Haines
Julie Halpner
Ben Henderson
Mark Hoover
Ken Iverson
Jessica Jex **
Kroger Food Stores 
Walter Mack
Timothy & Camille  McGraw
Terry Moore
Brent Morgan
Meredith Neal
Donald Nelson
Lauren and Mike Ripley
Michael “Chewie” Rivera
Liana Rowe
David  and Jane Ruby
Matt Sciascia
Craig Selchert
Elena Sibley
Steven Valego
George “Burt” Webb
David Willers

$200 to $499

Jennifer and Todd Alan
Lane Andrews (Ethan**)
Dave Beehler
Michael Bencomo **
Brooke Blanchard **
Rezwan Chowdhury
Jay Cleland
Phyllis Clement
Diane Cloud (Brie Atkinson **)
Roger Cole
Chris Coughlin
Kelli Duncan
Brian Ellis
Julie Esquer
Ray and Bonnie Evans
Sylvia Faber
Benjamin Ferre **
State Farm  Foundation
Michael Frank
Jim Franklin
Dakota Gerdeen **
Galen Goldsmith (Henry **)
Claudette Gross
Northrop Grumman
Robert Hamburg
Riley Hart **
Kevin Haselhorst
Ronald Ishida
Steve Johnson
Ethan Jopling **
Hannah Lilly **
Jared McNab **
Jessica Mell *
Jack Miller *
Benjamin Morgan *
Sharon Morgan
Tom and Anne Newman
Michael Nye
John and Katherine Oldham
Carson Orm *
Sharon Price
Jerry Ridgway
Sally Rosen
Ralph Sandoval
Mary Sepich & Paul Karlowicz (Elly Karlowicz **)
Kip Sullivan
Suzette Tyler

$100 to $199

Carol and Mike Balk
Jennifer Beal
Christopher and Mary Pat Berry
Kaylee Brue **
Max Butcher
Walter and Susan Counts
Lisa Dechiara
Daniel B Eaton
Dennis Fleurant
Diane Flood
Alla Goldman-Seiffert
Terry Gruninger
Jerelyn Janoe
Brandon Jones
Charles Junek, III
Alex Knox *
Richard Krum
Patricia Kurowski
Scott Lang
Kathy Lorenz
Steve Marples
Don McCoy
Jo-Anne McSorley
Walter Nellis
Jim Nixon
Anushka Patel
Debra Perparos
Robert Phillips
Mei Lein Pinion
Michelle Quinonez
Denise Reddy
Michelle Rickard
Rotary Club of Kyrene 
Vivian Saunders
Richard Shirk
Sharon Simon
Bill Snedeker
Matt Stout
Victoria Sweeney
Rachel Thomas
Cindy Thompson
Michael Thompson
Peter Vann
Lindsey and Steve Vento
Terry Ward
Mike Warren
Lily Wever **
Mik Wilkens
Jack Will
Ken Wise

Gifts up to $99

Edward Albrecht
Drew Anderson *
Kyle Angilletta *
Tom Arni
Bernadette Arnold
Clifton P Barnes
Shirley Barrington
Kim Beaird
Teri Behrens
Michaela Benjamin *
Natalie Benton *
Joe Blidy
Ashlin Blum
Mark Boisclair
Russ Bonsall
Tess Boykin
Angie Brown
Kami and Time Bulson
Tracy Burton (Colin Nesbit **)
Daniel Capozello
Mars Carnes *
Samantha Chilli
Millissa Christensen
Connie Cole
Zane Collins *
Stephen Crofton
Michael Cunningham
Carrie Davis
Becky DeLaCruz
Mitchell DePalma
Norma DeSilva
Austin Dobias *
Shannon Dunn
Marques Eckhoff
Kyle Edwards
Brian Ellis
Alex Finlay *
Clinton Fleenor
Roger Fry
Rachel Gilbert
Anisa Gonzales
Veronica Graves
Elizabeth Gunn-Young *
Byron Harrison
Jeff Harter
Sharon Harter
Eric Hassler
Susan Haven
Kevin Andrew Hayward
Jay Heltzer
Deborah HIelscher
Joey Higgins
Gary Hodges
Vikki Hunt
Dan Hurlbert
Alyssa Icke *
Jeff Isaacs
Ezekiel Jackson
John James
Christopher Jenkins
Charles Johnson
Mark Johnstone
Jeremy Jones *
Adam Killham
Sarah Laing
Michael Lewis
Seth Liggins
William Lombardo
Vicki MacFarlane
Emily Mahumed
Joanne Malik
Kaleigh Martino
Amy McCleney
Arthur Meyers
Sarah Mitson
Rhonda Moore
Juan Morales **
Judi Morris
Eric Moser
Brent Naaktgeboren *
Kim Norberg
Brent Orm
Katherine Overstreet
Lydia Page
Roberto Paz
Braedyn Pentkowski *
Alexander Petersen
Karl Peterson
Mod Pizza
Emily Poling *
Tyler Pope **
Maddie Potts
Joseph Ramirez
Mark and Sarah Richardson
Mellanie Risch
Sherry Santos
Hayden Sawyer *
Diana Sheridan
David Siems
Olivia Siroky *
Brittany Sisk
Kathlyn Sloan
Jared Smith
Trisha Spencer
Ryan Springler
Jacob Stahr *
Carol and Roger Stout
Jule Streety
Chase Suber *
Josh Thye
Darlene Tran
Sydney Useldinger
Xenia Vandendriessche
Steve Vickers
Jamie Warhus
Barbara Wever
Trevor White
Dan Wibben
Melissa Ziervogel
Add your name to the list

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